Big Java 6

Chapter 13 – Recursion

Chapter Goals

nested dolls showing recursiuon

Triangle Numbers

Outline of Triangle Class

public class Triangle 
   private int width;  
   public Triangle(int aWidth) 
      width = aWidth; 
   public int getArea() 
      . . . 

Handling Triangle of Width 1

Handling the General Case

Completed getArea Method

public int getArea() 
	if (width == 1) {
		return 1;
	Triangle smallerTriangle = new Triangle(width - 1); 
	int smallerArea = smallerTriangle.getArea(); 
	return smallerArea + width; 
A recursive computation solves a problem by using the solution to the same problem with simpler inputs.

Computing the area of a triangle with width 4


Other Ways to Compute Triangle Numbers


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Self Check 13.1

Why is the statement else if (width == 1) { return 1; } in the getArea method unnecessary?

Self Check 13.2

How would you modify the program to recursively compute the area of a square?

Self Check 13.3

In some cultures, numbers containing the digit 8 are lucky numbers. What is wrong with the following method that tries to test whether a number is lucky?
public static boolean isLucky(int number)
   int lastDigit = number % 10;
   if (lastDigit == 8) { return true; }
      return isLucky(number / 10); // Test the number without the last digit

Self Check 13.5

Consider the following recursive method:
public static int mystery(int n)
   if (n <= 0) { return 0; }
      int smaller = n - 1;
      return mystery(smaller) + n * n;
What is mystery(4)?

Tracing Through Recursive Methods

debug a recursive method with a debugger

To debug recursive methods with a debugger, you need to be particularly careful, and watch the call stack to understand which nested call you currently are in.

Thinking Recursively


Thinking recursively is easy if you can recognize a subtask that is similar to the original task. 

Implement isPalindrome Method: How To 13.1

public class Sentence 
   private String text; 
      Constructs a sentence. 
      @param aText a string containing all characters of the sentence 
   public Sentence(String aText) 
       text = aText; 
      Tests whether this sentence is a palindrome. 
      @return true if this sentence is a palindrome, false otherwise 
   public boolean isPalindrome() 
      . . . 

Thinking Recursively: How To 13.1

1. Consider various ways to simplify inputs.
Here are several possibilities:

Thinking Recursively: How To 13.1

2. Combine solutions with simpler inputs into a solution of the original problem.

Thinking Recursively: How To 13.1

3. Find solutions to the simplest inputs.

Thinking Recursively: How To 13.1

4. Implement the solution by combining the simple cases and the reduction step:
public boolean isPalindrome() 
   int length = text.length(); 
   // Separate case for shortest strings. 
   if (length <= 1) { return true; } 
   // Get first and last characters, converted to lowercase. 
   char first = Character.toLowerCase(text.charAt(0)); 
   char last = Character.toLowerCase(text.charAt(length - 1)); 
   if (Character.isLetter(first) && Character.isLetter(last)) 
      // Both are letters. 
      if (first == last) 
         // Remove both first and last character. 
         Sentence shorter = new Sentence(text.substring(1, length - 1)); 
         return shorter.isPalindrome(); 
         return false;
   else if (!Character.isLetter(last)) 
      // Remove last character. 
      Sentence shorter = new Sentence(text.substring(0, length - 1)); 
      return shorter.isPalindrome(); 
      // Remove first character. 
      Sentence shorter = new Sentence(text.substring(1)); 
      return shorter.isPalindrome(); 

Recursive Helper Methods


Recursive Helper Methods: isPalindrome

public boolean isPalindrome(int start, int end)
   // Separate case for substrings of length 0 and 1.
   if (start >= end) { return true; }
   // Get first and last characters, converted to lowercase. 
   char first = Character.toLowerCase(text.charAt(start)); 
   char last = Character.toLowerCase(text.charAt(end)); 
   if (Character.isLetter(first) && Character.isLetter(last)) 
      if (first == last) 
         // Test substring that doesn’t contain the matching letters. 
         return isPalindrome(start + 1, end - 1); 
         return false; 
   else if (!Character.isLetter(last)) 
      // Test substring that doesn’t contain the last character. 
      return isPalindrome(start, end - 1); 
      // Test substring that doesn’t contain the first character. 
      return isPalindrome(start + 1, end); 

Recursive Helper Methods

Self Check 13.6

Do we have to give the same name to both isPalindrome methods?

The Efficiency of Recursion: Fibonacci Sequence


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The Efficiency of Recursion


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Call Tree for Computing fib(6)

fib calling tree

Figure 2 Call Pattern of the Recursive fib Method

The Efficiency of Recursion


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The Efficiency of Recursion


Iterative isPalindrome Method

public boolean isPalindrome() 
   int start = 0; 
   int end = text.length() - 1; 
   while (start < end) 
      char first = Character.toLowerCase(text.charAt(start)); 
      char last = Character.toLowerCase(text.charAt(end); 
      if (Character.isLetter(first) && Character.isLetter(last)) 
         // Both are letters. 
         if (first == last) 
            return false; 
      if (!Character.isLetter(last)) { end--; } 
      if (!Character.isLetter(first)) { start++; } 
   return true; 

Self Check 13.10

Is it faster to compute the triangle numbers recursively, as shown in Section 13.1, or is it faster to use a loop that computes 1 + 2 + 3 + . . . + width?




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Mutual Recursions

Syntax Diagrams for Evaluating an Expression

syntax diagram

Figure 3

Mutual Recursions

Syntax Tree for Two Expressions

another syntax tree

Mutually Recursive Methods

The getExpressionValue Method

public int getExpressionValue()
   int value = getTermValue(); 
   boolean done = false; 
   while (!done) 
      String next = tokenizer.peekToken(); 
      if ("+".equals(next) || "-".equals(next)) 
         tokenizer.nextToken(); // Discard "+" or "-" 
         int value2 = getTermValue(); 
         if ("+".equals(next)) value = value + value2; 
         else value = value - value2; 
         done = true; 
   return value; 

The getTermValue Method

The getTermValue method calls getFactorValue in the same way, multiplying or dividing the factor values.

The getFactorValue Method

public int getFactorValue() 
   int value; 
   String next = tokenizer.peekToken(); 
   if ("(".equals(next)) 
      tokenizer.nextToken(); // Discard "(" 
      value = getExpressionValue(); 
      tokenizer.nextToken(); // Discard ")" 
      value = Integer.parseInt(tokenizer.nextToken()); 
   return value; 

Using Mutual Recursions

To see the mutual recursion clearly, trace through the expression (3+4)*5:


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Backtracking - Eight Queens Problem

Backtracking - Eight Queens Problem






Backtracking in the Four Queens Problem
solution to foure queens problem


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