Anesthesiology Data Details
Here are my stats from the data set after Marie was done with recoding the video:
- There are 17 traces from 8 doctors. One doctor was a novice (who produced one trace).
- There were 55 tags seen that we could match to an object. The most frequently used tag accounted for 10% of the known tag hits. (It was the patient facemask)
- There were 10 tags seen that we could not match to an object, but only one was from the glove reader. The others were from the ambient room reader:
- 8000800430465174
- 8000800430465331
- 8000800430465336
- 8000800430465371
- 8000800430465389
- 8000800430465419
- 8000800430492037
- 8000800430492101
- 8000800430492240
- E00781BCC195611B
- The one glove tag (E00781BCC195611B) was only seen once in all of the traces