For Sale


"Jesus is My Image Consultant" T-shirt Refresh

I refreshed this t-shirt to include the mirrored text "You Are The Man" on the front.

Original post here.

Consume yours here.

Explanation here:

" In the old Testament (1 Samuel 12), God sent Nathan, a prophet, to tell King David that he was blind to his own hypocrisy. He could see the evil in others, but not in his own actions. David needed God to tell him who he really was so that he could repent. David needed an image consultant to help him be the person he wanted to be. God took that role. I desire the same for me."

(For Sale) Permanent Link made 8:00 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)


UCI Zot Shirt

My latest product to hit the virtual shelves, this stylish urban inspired UCI Anteater Zot shirt. This product was motivated by my inability to actually find any shirt that I liked for my daughter from the UCI Bookstore. So I made my own.

Buy your own by clicking on the image on the left.



(For Sale) Permanent Link made 5:40 PM | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)


Try ZotZot! Otherwise I love it. If you do that. I'll buy one and wear it myself even if it is pink.

Posted by: Growly-Pants at April 23, 2007 6:45 PM

"Jesus is my image consultant" shirt


This T-Shirt is the newest addition to my online store. It reflects both the annoyance I have with the marketing of Jesus (which I guess I'm doing), my annoyance with spin doctors, my curiousity that someone could have a job of "Image Consultant", but at the same time reflects the truth that a Christian really should have Jesus working as their image consultant. At least to the degree that changing one's image is a result of changing one's core character.

Maybe if more people reflected on what Jesus thought of their image, we would have less Pat Robertsons and more of these types and these types.

Consume yours here.

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</car> bumper sticker

A little bit of XML humor for your car. This sticker is the closing tag for a "car" object. If you don't get, you probably shouldn't buy it. Buy this handsome and witty bumper sticker by clicking here. The quality of the graphics are much higher on the real product.

(Bumper Sticker, Crazy Bumper Stickers, For Sale) Permanent Link made 10:38 AM | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)


Awesome! I would buy one if I were a bumper sticker person, but I like my Element mostly non-adorned.

If you're disappointed that I'm not buying one, you could always make a "Non-bumper sticker people suck" bumper sticker to put on your car.

Posted by: Charles at May 6, 2005 6:32 PM

I Love Amibiguously Self-Referential Bumper Stickers

Here's my first foray into online sales. Buy this handsome and witty bumper sticker by clicking here. The quality of the graphics are much higher on the real product.

(Bumper Sticker, Crazy Bumper Stickers, For Sale, Funny) Permanent Link made 8:27 AM | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
