Favorite Science Fair Posters
My kids had their science fair last night. Below are a selection of my favorite poster elements. No attribution to protect the innocent scientists
This is the graph that has lines and axes. The project was about soaking two teeth in 7-Up. One was treated with flouride. This graph demonstrates that both red and blue lines meet. |
In my opinion this was a study in "believing the label". The conclusion, don't believe the label. |
This was a fun project, this sign, when taken out of context, though, makes me crack up. Conclusion: NASA will not be changing propellants any time soon. |
This is such an awesome conclusion that it stands on it's own. "It also made our stomachs hurt, and after about an hour and a half we started getting in trouble for being lame." |
"Science" fair? Looks more like a "Religion" fair to me! |
Finally some credit where credit is due! |
(Funny) Permanent Link made 9:18 AM | TrackBacks (0)
Comments (2) Make a Comment
I could have interviewed the kids, but most of them were not with their posters. They were hanging out and looking at other posters. I talked to a lot of parents next to their kids' projects though!
Posted by: Don at March 19, 2010 1:10 PM
I could have interviewed the kids, but most of them were not with their posters. They were hanging out and looking at other posters. I talked to a lot of parents next to their kids' projects though!
Posted by: Don at March 19, 2010 1:10 PM
That is hilarious! Were you allowed to take photos or interview the kids?
Posted by: Andrea Verwys at March 19, 2010 11:58 AM