February 25, 2006

A Good Week As a Professor

This week was a terrific week to be a professor. It peaked on Thursday. in the morning I prepped for my class, then I taught it. It went really well without requiring tons of preparation. Then I met with a student who is making tons of progress on a cool sensor abstraction project. He's just taking the bull by the horns and running with it. Then I walked over to the playground and ate lunch with my family. Then I had a conversation with another student about the progress that he is making on machine learning algorithms for Nomatic. Then I had a great meeting with a group of undergraduates who are working on an autonomous vehicle. They convinced me that Starfire GPS was not all that it was cracked up to be, so we're going to end up using a different GPS to war-drive. Then I had another meeting with a student who was really challenging me to think about a study we are planning. Her feedback is going to make the study awesome, not just good. Then my family picked me up and drove me home.

The next day I found out that my first paper written as a professor was accepted and in the process of getting a fan on my computer fixed (it sounded like it was grinding coffee) I also reinstalled the OS on my computer and everything is running better.

A great week!

Posted by djp3 at February 25, 2006 09:36 AM | TrackBack (0)
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