Talking Points: Local Conversations and Culture
Photo courtesy of eye2eye
I've been thinking about what topics of conversation seem to dominate all the social interactions that I undertake. I realized that many of them were location specific. For example:
- Seattle, WA: Conversations frequently mentioned the rain.
- Irvine,CA : Conversations always get around to real estate prices.
- Washington, D.C. : National politics because they are also local politics.
Others report:
- Annapolis, MD: Boats and the Army-Navy football game (according to Luke)
- Amherst, MA: Yard machines: leaf blowers, snow throwers, riding mowers, and community supported agriculture.
Maybe not the most incredible thing ever observed but very real when you are at these places. What are the periennal topics where you live?
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Columbus, Ohio: Anything about Buckeyes. Before the season... what high school prospects there are. TV shows are broken into for live views of the first training session of the season. There is a brief respite in October when discussion turns to how stupid (or sensible) it is to have Halloween on a day other than Oct. 31st. Why do they do it? Because of the Buckeyes.
Posted by: haasebert at December 1, 2006 7:13 PM
Columbus, Ohio: Anything about Buckeyes. Before the season... what high school prospects there are. TV shows are broken into for live views of the first training session of the season. There is a brief respite in October when discussion turns to how stupid (or sensible) it is to have Halloween on a day other than Oct. 31st. Why do they do it? Because of the Buckeyes.
Posted by: haasebert at December 1, 2006 7:13 PM