Jimmy Carter at UCI - 2


After hearing Jimmy Carter speak I respect and admire him more than ever. As Chancellor Drake said he is an outstanding example of a man who acts from his values.

SignOnSanDiego.com > News > Education -- Jimmy Carter urges balanced U.S. position toward Israel during California campus stop
12:44 a.m. May 4, 2007
IRVINE – Former President Jimmy Carter urged students at a Southern California university with a history of strained relations between Jewish and Islamic groups to set differences aside and work together to find solutions. More

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I'm curious what his views are on the Promised Land? Whose land does he believe it is and what are the boundaries of that land?

Posted by: Nate at May 8, 2007 4:11 AM

I don't know much of the history of the Middle east, but his big points were that the boundaries of the Palestinian territory have been established (post 1967) by treaty and that the Palestinians have a right to a contiguous state.

My key take-away point from his talk (he didn't make this point, I synthesized it) was a realization that Israel is using rhetoric from 20 years ago to describe what they are doing in terms of security and safety. In reality - and I have seen some evidence of this first hand - something new is happening in which the Palestinians are starting to be slowly destroyed as a people and that is not an undertaking which befits a "righteous" nation.

Posted by: DJP3 at May 8, 2007 6:20 AM

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