Great Quote
Photo courtesy of More Drews than you. |
From my wife: "You are just like those cheesy hotels on trip advisor" In reference to the fact that I was the first one to rate me on (9/30/2005 entry) and that many hotels are clearly trying to defend themselves by creating fake happy customers on trip advisor. In my defense I don't maintain a wikipedia page on myself. |
(Funny) Permanent Link made 9:20 AM | TrackBacks (0)
Comments (2) Make a Comment
I swear that wasn't me. Or anyone I bribed :). Except perhaps with doughnuts.
Posted by: DJP3 at March 12, 2008 11:46 AM
I swear that wasn't me. Or anyone I bribed :). Except perhaps with doughnuts.
"This professor is one of the best in the Informatics major. Shows a real passion for the material he is teaching. Spans a wealth of material during lecture but always manages to maintain a relaxed and fun environment. Incorporates examples of relevant and interesting technology during lecture. Tests are reasonable and relevant. Overall good guy."
Posted by: Sam Kaufman at March 12, 2008 11:35 AM