Context-Aware Paintbrush from Adobe

This is pretty amazing

"I've gone ahead and selected this Tea Party protester and then I hit delete. You can see Context Aware fill has replace the protester with a really nice diverse crowd image having a constructive dialog instead. If I go ahead and select the Capitol Building and hit delete it puts in a picture of the Kremlin. And now if I just wave the cursor over the dump-gulls eating fries from that food cart you can see that Context-Aware fill has put in some really nice peace doves dismantling IEDs in the foreground. All done. Now we are ready to give this to our client."

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Favorite Science Fair Posters

My kids had their science fair last night. Below are a selection of my favorite poster elements. No attribution to protect the innocent scientists

IMG_1445.JPG This is the graph that has lines and axes. The project was about soaking two teeth in 7-Up. One was treated with flouride. This graph demonstrates that both red and blue lines meet.
IMG_1450.JPG In my opinion this was a study in "believing the label". The conclusion, don't believe the label.
IMG_1451.JPG This was a fun project, this sign, when taken out of context, though, makes me crack up. Conclusion: NASA will not be changing propellants any time soon.
IMG_1452.JPG This is such an awesome conclusion that it stands on it's own. "It also made our stomachs hurt, and after about an hour and a half we started getting in trouble for being lame."
IMG_1454.JPG "Science" fair? Looks more like a "Religion" fair to me!
IMG_1455.JPG Finally some credit where credit is due!

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That is hilarious! Were you allowed to take photos or interview the kids?

Posted by: Andrea Verwys at March 19, 2010 11:58 AM

I could have interviewed the kids, but most of them were not with their posters. They were hanging out and looking at other posters. I talked to a lot of parents next to their kids' projects though!

Posted by: Don at March 19, 2010 1:10 PM

A Joke for the Day

It's nice to have something be funny and G-rated

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Ahh... The Good Ole Days in the Navy...

uss curtis wilbur from wikipedia

I served in the Navy for 5 years and on two ships. This story is about the woman who was the final XO I had on my first ship before transferring to my second ship. When I tell people about the Navy they often seem to respond like I was overreacting, or remembering the story wrong. I feel vindicated by this article. Ironically, I didn't even notice the abuse by this woman because of what was going on with all the other people in my chain of command.

I served with Kirk Benson and Nicole Waybright on the USS CURTIS WILBUR

"I'm more upset that the Navy let this go on so long," says Kirk Benson, who retired from the Navy as a commander three years ago after a 20-year career. Many complaints up the chain fell on "deaf ears," he says. "When I think of Holly Graf, even 12 years later, I shake," he says of serving under her when she was second in command on the destroyer U.S.S. Curtis Wilbur in 1997-98. "She was so intimidating even to me, a 6-foot-4 guy."

Holly Graf: Navy Relieves Harsh Commander of USS Cowpens - TIME

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I can certainly understand how some people in this article have felt, watching someone like Ms. Graf get promoted up the chain when she was clearly such a bad influence. I have seen this in my own career, when strong-willed, conniving people who are stunningly effective at achieving short-term goals are promoted time and again. They figure out how they can use each person for their own gain, and as soon as that is not possible, turn on them and try to get them fired. It is truly disheartening when upper management cannot see through this, but things have a way of working themselves out. Unfortunately, a lot of damage was done to morale, and may good people quit over the situation... not something that is typically an option in the Navy.

Posted by: Charles at March 7, 2010 9:09 AM

I suppose if upper management got there the same way they may appreciate those tactics.

Posted by: Don at March 7, 2010 4:58 PM

A more courageous person than I will ever probably be...

"These are all dangerous words. Of the threats issued to his life by Islamists, he says, "That's not the worst thing that can happen to you. I'm OK with it, I'm not afraid. . . . Palestinians have reason to kill me. Some Israelis may want to kill me. My goal is not to defeat my enemy. It is to win over my enemy."

Weekend Interview with Mosab Hassan Yousef-

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High-Speed Video of Dogs

How awesome is this high-speed video footage of dogs jumping for a Pedigree dog snack? Very awesome

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Starbucks must give me MORE!!!!

supersize me

I must have more and more Starbucks coffee!!!! I used to think starbucks was the 2nd worst coffee in the world. Now I must reorder the worst coffees in the world 1) Navy coffee 2) Sam's Club Coffee 3) Starbucks coffee

"In hopes of recapturing the "bigger is always better" spirit of the previous decade, Starbucks has reportedly been test-marketing a new cup size that allows customers to guzzle 32 ounces of its iced beverages in one fell swoop. Called the "Trenta," it could provide the caffeine-needy with more than enough caffeine to power through their increasingly stressful days, or at least an hour or two of them." from The Coffee Wars Will Not End Until America Is A Shaking Heap Of Overstimulation | The Awl

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