Andrea writes:
“Today is Grace’s 6 month birthday! Here is a photo that we took of her today. She eats a little bit of carrots, pears, squash, bananas, and Cool Whip (if she is lucky). She is starting to crawl around and loves her exersaucer. The doctor said that she is off the charts for height at 29 1/2 inches.
Besides Grace news, we have also moved. It is a great house with a new kitchen and big backyard. Grace and I can walk to Starbucks, the grocery store, the library, and the community center. Here is our new contact information:
Nate and Andrea Verwys
113 Elm St SW
Vienna, VA 22180
home: 703-242-3803
Don writes,
Here is a “v-card” that will import into many address book programs if you don’t want to type in Nate and Andrea’s info by hand.