Brick Walk Photo courtesy of summervillian
Hello everyone! I heard a rumor that Lilly and Gary bought the Palmer family a brick in the brick wall that the town of Falmouth is building at the end of the Falmouth Road Race. It was very generous of them. It will say “In honor of the Falmouth Palmer Family”. We should see it next summer.
Thanks Gary and Lilly! First one to find the brick wins a doughnut!
I bought one a couple months ago that says “The Palmer Clan” !! I guess we will have two bricks. Uncle Don.
Awesome! I didn’t know anything about the wall. Are we sure it is not a brick wall in front of Dunkin Donuts?
Two doughnuts
This may be a “walk” not a “wall”
Are you sure these aren’t just the bricks in Grandpa’s walkway?