Brian writes:
Audrey Renee Patterson was born March 17, 2004 at
12:25pm. She weighs in at 6 pounds 7 ounces.
19inches in length. We’ll get more info out once we
get a little sleep.
She is beautiful. Although I was disappointed that her name isn’t Patricia (given the date of birth) Audrey is a lovely name. My best to you all. Aunt Kathy
Fantastic. Great picture. Great name. Congradulations again Grandpa Don.
Love Uncle Larry
Audrey has the famous “Palmer mouth”. She is a little vision of loveliness!! Love to the happy family, Aunt Flora
She is beautiful. Although I was disappointed that her name isn’t Patricia (given the date of birth) Audrey is a lovely name. My best to you all. Aunt Kathy
Although, Patty Patterson might have caused her some trouble in elementary school….
I LOVE her name! Congratulations! Lilly, this might be Alayna’s ticket to being Nana’s favorite grandchild-a great grandchild on St. Patricks Day.