After the rather devastating hacker attack that the previous Palmer Clan Site underwent, I was forced to take the site offline, and upgrade some of the defenses against spam. In this case the spam came from people leaving comments in the blog about random spammy sort of topics like texas hold-em poker and various pharmaceutical scams. It was coming in about one per minute at the peak. Anyway, this new site is online at a hosting location that I rent, so there should be less downtime and less spam now.
The first order of business is to check out the email addresses above. Let me know if I’m missing any or any have changed. This is probably going to be for people that you are close to because if you got to this site it means that your email was working.
If you email me the missing or changed email, I will be happy to update it.
In the meantime bear with me as the site slowly comes back to a look and feel that is better than this
Yeah, I’m glad it’s back up! Could you change my address to kate@fredericks.org Thank you.