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Tag Archives: Mike Fredericks
Mike got promoted
From Uncle Larry: “1746 hrs Thursday, Some good news from he Cape for the bulletin board. Mike Frderericks has been promoted at Cape Cod Hospital. Love, Uncle Larry”
New Address for Mike, Kate and family
Kate writes: “We’ve moved! Please note our new address and phone number. Mike, Kate, Gabrielle and Jack Fredericks 68 Longview Dr. Centerville, MA 02632 508-775-3919 We sold our house in RI and are moved into our Centerville house. The house … Continue reading
Welcome Jack!
Kate and Mike write: “Hi All, We wanted to let you know that Jack Michael Fredericks was born at 11:31 AM on Tuesday, May 4th 2004. He weighed 6 pounds, 14 ounces and is approximately 19 inches long. Jack and … Continue reading
Palmer Clan Nomads updated
0948 Monday March 15 Zellie and Harold just returned from a NY Bus trip with Nancy and Mike Palmer. We saw the Broadway plays “GYPSY” and “Mamma Mia”. Unfortunately, we came home to an empty house. Mike and Kate Fredericks … Continue reading
Posted in Uncategorized
Tagged Aunt Flora, Gabrielle Fredericks, Kate Fredericks, Mike Fredericks, Uncle Larry Palmer
Baby Due Dates (re-updated)
Just to help everyone keep all this straight (changes are in red): Brian and Alayna: March 24 (girl) Nate and Andrea: May 12 (girl) Andrea writes: “Because no one on either Nate’s side or Andrea’s side has had a girl … Continue reading
Mike F. takes a new job!
Mike reports that after a month of interviewing and four total meetings (presumably with the same company) he took a position as Network Administrator for a company called Nautic Partners in Providence, RI. They are a private equity firm and … Continue reading
Posted in Uncategorized
Tagged Gabrielle Fredericks, job, Kate Fredericks, Mike Fredericks
1 Comment
Kate and Mike expecting a sibling for Gabrielle
And in a late breaking story which may already be old news…Kate and Mike are expecting another baby! The due date is 5/22 and they have heard the heart beat. Don’t ask them whether its a boy or a girl, … Continue reading