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Tag Archives: Kate Fredericks
Flora and Kate in Falmouth Enterprise being baptised
Looks like Kate has picked up a trick or two from Andrea about how to get in the newspaper! Here is a picture from the Falmouth Enterprise of Kate and/or Flora being baptized with the Cape Cod Church. Maybe Gabriella … Continue reading
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Tagged Aunt Flora, Elizabeth Palmer, Falmouth, Gabrielle Fredericks, Kate Fredericks, Margaret Palmer, news, photo, press
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Jack in the Cape Cod Times
Kate writes: “Jack’s picture is on page C7 of the Cape Cod Times today with the owner of the barber shop “cute Susan” as my dad called her. Jack would always scream his head off when I took him to … Continue reading
Jack says there is such a thing as a free lunch
Kate writes: ” Jack was the local celebrity today for his picture at “free lunch.” My father is probably choking because his grandson was in this article, Mr. Galaska would be saying “how old do you have to be?” because … Continue reading
New Address for Mike, Kate and family
Kate writes: “We’ve moved! Please note our new address and phone number. Mike, Kate, Gabrielle and Jack Fredericks 68 Longview Dr. Centerville, MA 02632 508-775-3919 We sold our house in RI and are moved into our Centerville house. The house … Continue reading
Some thoughts on adversity
Kate and Kathy wrote some updates that I have put together here: Kate writes the following update about and for her dad: “My father has pancreatic cancer. The doctor was not able to remove all the cancer in surgery. My … Continue reading
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Tagged health, Kate Fredericks, Kathy Mullin, Uncle Larry Palmer
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Uncle Larry up and about
Our East Coast correspondent, Kate files this audio report. Transcript: “My father is doing very well. He was up walking twice today. They uncovered the bandage over his incision and it looked good. He is doing very well. Thank you! … Continue reading
Uncle Larry’s Recovery Address
Dude I am soooo Rueter’s! Kate files this audio report. She repeats the address likes she’s the radio officer on a big ole Navy ship. I’ll condense the phonetic spellings “It’s 11:45 on Wednesday night [East Coast time]. My father … Continue reading
Update on Uncle Larry 4:36 PM Wednesday (PST)
anNancy1.jpg” width=”10%”/> Kate writes: “My father is on his way home from Boston. On Tuesday he is going to Beth Israel hospital to have surgery to remove the mass and surrounding areas. The doctors still do not definitely know if … Continue reading
Uncle Larry Update 7:40 PM 4/26/2005 PDT
Uncle Larry writes (from the East Coast): 2157 Hrs Tuesday April 26, 2005 Hi Everyone, First I want to thank everyone for their prayers. I checked out of Falmouth Hospital at noon today because they have done as much as … Continue reading
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Tagged Aunt Flora, Cousin Larry Palmer, health, job, Kate Fredericks
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Uncle Larry Update 7:37 PM 4/26/2005
Kate writes: “My father was released from Falmouth hospital today to home. Tomorrow he will go with my mother and my mother’s brother Jamie to Beth Israel hospital in Boston(where U. Mike was treated). He is schedule for an appointment … Continue reading
Posted in Uncategorized
Tagged health, Karen Palmer-Laine, Kate Fredericks, Rita Patterson, Uncle Larry Palmer
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