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Tag Archives: Nate Verwys
Baby Due Dates (re-updated)
Just to help everyone keep all this straight (changes are in red): Brian and Alayna: March 24 (girl) Nate and Andrea: May 12 (girl) Andrea writes: “Because no one on either Nate’s side or Andrea’s side has had a girl … Continue reading
Andrea and Nate are pregnant!
Congratulations Andrea and Nate on being pregnant! Here is a picture of the ultrasound, Andrea drinking a ton of water before the ultrasound and a picture of the pregnancy test, which I think is gross, but Andrea sent it to … Continue reading
Andrea and Nate Cell Phone Update
Andrea writes: Nate and I took the plunge and decided to get a cell phone! Here is our new number: (571) 243-2660 Like everyone in American, we have free nights (doesn’t do us must good, we are in bed at … Continue reading
Name the Kitten Kontest
Andrea and Nate got a kitten and would like to have a naming contest with the Palmer Clan. Read her message below and then post your entry in the comments below that: Andrea writes: Nate and I got a kitten … Continue reading