Update on Uncle Larry 4:36 PM Wednesday (PST)

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Kate writes:

“My father is on his way home from Boston. On Tuesday he is going to Beth Israel hospital to have surgery to remove the mass and surrounding areas. The doctors still do not definitely know if the mass is cancer, but everything indicates that it is. The doctor said it does not matter if it is cancer or not it has to come out because it is causing a blockage. During surgery if the surgeons determine that the cancer is not contained they will not continue with the surgery. If surgery is successful my dad is expected to be in the hospital 7 days. After surgery the doctor will know if my dad needs chemotherapy. Thank you again for all your support. Keep up the prayers. ”

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2 Responses to Update on Uncle Larry 4:36 PM Wednesday (PST)

  1. Andrea, N & G says:

    We will pray specifically that it is contained and able to all be removed. I will ask some of my friends to pray also. We are thinking of you all the time and wish we could be there.

  2. Kathy Perry says:

    Prayers and hugs to all of yu.
    You are in our thoughts constantly
    We won’t call you because we don’t want to bother you. Know that we care a lot. Please call if we can help in anyway.
    Flora, I can drive to Boston any day so you don’t have to drive. Just say the word.
    Love all of you.
    Kathy and Joe

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